Monday, June 22, 2009

Returning home from Kerrville - Father's Day

This is a one hour portrait of my dad, Dr. Richardson.

The one below is of his wife, and my friend, Ann.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Clouds - 5" x 7"

Today I started a small still life of a decorative violin that sits on a shelf of my room. I have not been able to paint it. Only the sketch is complete.

So I have attached a small landscape I painted yesterday after painting "The Urn".

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"The Urn" - My first "A Painting a Day"

I rose early this morning and created my first "Painting A Day".
This is a two hour painting of an urn in my studio.

"The Urn"
Oil on panel
6"x 4"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In the Beginning...

Today is the begining of my blog. I am excited to share my paintings with the world. What an incredible opportunity!

I hope you enjoy viewing my work as it progresses and share it with your friends.
